Course Content
Python Course Contents:
- Introduction
- What is python
- Why python, why not other languages
- The python console
- Python in linux and windows
- Simple operations
- Strings
- String operations
- Simple input and output
- Type conversion
- Variables
- In-place operators
- Quiz on Strings
- Assignment on Strings
- Control structures
- Boolean and comparisions
- If statements
- Else statements
- Boolean logic
- Operator precedence
- While loop
- Quiz on control structures
- Assignment on control structures
- Lists
- List operations
- List functions
- Range
- For loop
- Quiz on lists
- Assignment on lists
- Dictionaries and tuples
- Dictionaries operations
- Dictionaries functions
- Tuples
- List comprehensions
- String formatting
- Quiz on Dictionaries and tuples
- Assignment on dictionaries and tuples
- Sets
- Sets operations
- Sets functions
- Quiz on sets
- Assignment on sets
- Functions and modules (Check section 12 for modules and packages)
- Function arguments
- Returning from functions
- Comments and doc strings
- Functions as objects
- *args and **kwargs
- Closures
- Decorators
- Global
- Modules
- How to write your own module
- How to use existing modules
- The standard library and pip
- Quiz on Functions and modules
- Assignment on functions and modules
- Functional programming
- Lambdas
- Map and filter
- Reduce
- Iterators and Generators
- Revisiting decorators
- Recursion
- Itertools
- Revisiting modules
- Quiz on functional programming
- Assignment on functional programming
- Exceptions and file handling
- Exceptions
- Exception handling
- Finally
- Raising exceptions
- Assertions
- Opening files
- Reading files
- Writing files
- Working with files
- Quiz on Exceptions and file handling
- Assignment on Exceptions and file handling
- Object oriented programming
- What is a class and object
- Encapsulation, does python support encapsulation? How to achieve it?
- Inheritance, does python support inheritance?, types of inheritance
- Abstraction, does python support abstraction?, how to achieve it?
- Polymorphism, does python support polymorphism? How to achieve it?
- Does python support Over riding, over loading, operator overloading
- Magic methods
- Class and static methods
- What is the use of python property feature?
- Creating your own exception classes
- Quiz on Object oriented programming
- Assignment on object oriented programming
- Regular expressions
- Simple functions
- Metacharacters
- Quantifiers
- Character classes
- Groups
- Escape sequences
- Modifiers
- Quiz on regular expressions
- Assignment on regular expressions
- Modules and Packages
- How to write a package
- How to write a sub package
- What is the difference between package and module
- Writing a package and making it installable
- Simple project – Building a package
- Miscellaneous concepts
- The zen of python
- Creating virtual environment
- Tuple unpacking
- Packages
- Creating your own packages and installing
- Quiz on miscellaneous concepts
- Assignment on miscellaneous concpets
- Working with MySQLdb using Python
- MySQLdb module – connect
- Create, Read, Update and Delete records using MySQLdb module
- Fetching one record, many records from mysql table
- Quiz on Working with MySQLdb using Python
- Assignment on working with MySQLdb using Python
- Python application programming
- Creating virtual environment
- telnetlib
- ftplib
- smtplib
- json
- csv
- xml
- beautifulsoup
- urllib
- subprocess
- SimpleHTTPServer
- sqlite3
- logging
- parsing HTML data